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Colorful Lockers


Contact Kevin Wilson at 

to inquire about receiving additional books.

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What is K-Way High?

K-Way High is the first series of Project M.Y.S.T. This comic book series, with visually captivating stories, centers around a group of unlikely friends at the fictional Kenmore High School, also known as

K-Way High. Through compelling narratives and powerful character representation, this group of friends work together through challenges that many high school students face, all while trying to save their school from an unknown threat. 


What are the K-Way High Chronicles?

The K-Way High Chronicles are a collaboration between Project M.Y.S.T., The Mental Health Association of Monmouth County, and the Monmouth County Diversity Alliance.  This series, published by Konkret Comics, uses safe messaging to address many of the challenges that high school students encounter with a goal of increasing awareness, empathy, and conversation around these topics.


About the Characters

Each character's lives intertwine and intersect, and they support each other in different ways as they work through challenging situations in their lives. It is our hope that our readers relate to the characters and learn valuable lessons that will help them navigate school and life in positive ways. We also hope that these books offer resources and perspective for students when life feels overwhelming. K-Way Issue One introduces us to three characters Calvin, Lin Su, and Nera. Learn more about their stories below. 



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11 Grader

All Pro Athlete

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Lin Su

11 Grader




11 Grader


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11 Grader

Cheerleading Captain

Hi, My name is Calvin. I am a pro athlete at K-Way High. I am in 11th grade. I have a lot of friends, and I love school, but I have a secret. I am sometimes filled with self doubt and wonder if anyone actually likes me. Luckily, I feel comfortable talking to my parents and my coach when I'm feeling down, and that helps. Learn more about my friends and I in K-Way High.

Hi, My name is Lin Su. I am a cheerleader at K-Way High, and I am in 11th grade. Last year, I injured my knee, and while I was healing I made some choices that weren't very helpful. One of my best friends in school is Nera, she helps me when I am having a hard time. Follow my journey in K-Way High.

Hi, My name is Nera. I am an artist and I love my emo style. Most of the time I'm quiet and I stay to myself, but I can be fun and outgoing when I'm around my closest friends. Even though some of the kids at school make fun of my style, I never let it get to me. Learn more about how I navigate rumors and stay true to myself  even when other people don't understand me in K-Way High. 

Hi, My name is Megan. I am the Cheerleading Captain at K-Way High. I can't wait to share my story in K-Way High Issue 2, coming this Spring 2024. â€‹

What is Project M.Y.S.T.

Project M.Y.S.T. (Making Yesterday Safer Today), is an imprint of Konkret Comics founded by Derek "Lonzo Starr" Allen. Project M.Y.S.T. creates and produces educational and social awareness based content, blending entertainment and education to combat social stigmas and empower our youth. K-Way High is the first of many projects we hope to bring to the world. 


What is Konkret Comics?

Konkret Comics is a 5x Award Winning Publishing Company launched in 2019 by creator and writer Derek 'Lonzo Starr' Allen. Konkret Comics is a collective of artists, creators, and writers with a passion to create stories through a diverse lens that appeals to all audiences of all ages. There is a lack of diversity in the comic book industry and Konkret Comics plans to fill that void. We strive to break boundaries and stereotypes, giving a voice to creators from diverse backgrounds and telling our own stories. Konkret comics along with Monmouth County Behavior Health Organization and Monmouth County Diversity Alliance have partnered to bring this vision to life. â€‹

Contact Kevin Wilson at

to inquire about receiving additional books.


This book was made possible through a grant from the Monmouth County Department of Human Services Division of Behavioral Health. 


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Resources are available 24/7 for New Jersey Youth. â€‹

Click Resource button below to view full list of supports for our youth.

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